Connecting the Dots: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders
The manufacturing industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by technological advancements and the increasing need for digitalization. As manufacturers continue to rely heavily on software and IT assets to drive their operations, they face unique challenges in managing these critical resources.In this blog journey, we’ll dive into the software and IT asset management challenges faced by manufacturing companies, highlighting real-life stories that we learned from our customers to illustrate the complexities involved.
The Challenges
- Lack of Visibility and Control Manufacturing companies often struggle to maintain accurate records of their software and IT assets, making it difficult to track usage, licenses, and compliance.
- Complexity of Industrial Software Industrial software, such as SCADA systems, MES, and ERP, require specialized skills and knowledge to manage, making it challenging for IT teams to keep up.
- Cybersecurity Risks The increased use of connected devices and IoT sensors in manufacturing creates new cybersecurity risks, making it essential to ensure software and IT assets are up-to-date and secure.
- Compliance and Regulatory Requirements Manufacturers must comply with various regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and industry-specific standards, adding to the complexity of software and IT asset management.
- Reduce software costs by 15%
- Achieve compliance with regulatory requirements
- Improve software usage and optimization
- Regular software updates and patching
- Enhanced cybersecurity measures
- Improved asset tracking and management
- Implement a Comprehensive SAM Program: Develop a software asset management program that includes inventory management, license management, and compliance management.
- Use Automated Discovery and Inventory Tools: Utilize automated tools to discover and inventory software and IT assets, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual errors.
- Establish a Cybersecurity Framework: Develop a comprehensive cybersecurity framework that includes regular software updates, patching, and vulnerability management.
- Provide Ongoing Training and Support: Ensure IT teams receive regular training and support to manage complex industrial software and IT assets.